Category: Criminal Law
Criminal Law Attack Sheet for the California Bar Exam
CRIMINAL LAW Accomplice Liability: One who, with the intent that the crime be committed, aids, counsels, or encourages another in the commission of a crime is deemed a party to the crime, and thus may be held guilty of the criminal offense. Inchoate Offenses Solicitation: (1) asking someone to commit a crime (2) with the…
Criminal Law Outline for the California Bar Exam
criminal law I. Jurisdiction and General Matters Jurisdiction Generally a state has jx. over a crime if that sate is the legal situs of the crime. Either the conduct happened there or the result happened there. More than one state may have jx. over a single crime. Crimes of omission – jx. lies where the…
Criminal Law Outline for the California Bar Exam
Elements of a crime Actus Reus – a voluntary act or omission where there is a duty to act. Act (any bodily movement) must be voluntary: Some bodily movements don’t qualify for crim liability: Conduct not product of your own volition (i.e. reflexive acts such as seizure) Acts performed while unconscious or asleep Omission –…