Category: Corporations
Corporations Essay Openers for California Bar Exam
Corporations – Opening Paragraphs Organization De Jure Corporation In order to form a valid corporation, one or more incorporators must file articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State. When the Secretary accepts the Articles, a de jure corporation is formed. The articles of incorporation must also state the corporation’s purpose. At common law, where…
Attack Sheet for California Bar Exam Corporations
CORPORATIONS ATTACK ORGANIZATION OF CORPORATION Formation Requirements (people + paper + act) One or more incorporators + articles of incorporation (K b/w corp & SH, corp & state) + filing Legal Significance Internal Affairs Doctrine: internal affairs of corp are governed by the law of the state of incorp Limited Liability: D&Os not personally liable…
Corporations Outline for the California Bar Exam
Organization and Formation Pre-Incorporation Contracts Promoter = Person acting on behalf of unformed corp A fiduciaryof the corp – duty of fair disclosure and good faith Secret profit rule. – Promoter cannot make a secret profit on her dealings with the corp. Disclosure to corp is a defense. Sale of prop acquired before becoming P…