Determine area of substantive law. (may be more than one)
Usually torts, property or contracts.
Make sure plaintiff has a case and a relief is needed.
Determine appropriate remedies (based on available remedies for that substantive area of law).
Discuss legal remedies first
Discuss restitutionary remedies
Legal remedies
Equitable remedies
Discuss pure equitable remedies.
Discuss ALL potentially available remedies unless a specific remedy is asked about
TORT Remedies
Has P been/being injured? compensatory damages
Has D derived an Unjust Enrichment? restitutionary damages
Does P want the property back? Replevin, Ejectment, SP
Does P need an Injunction? Preliminary, TRO, Permanent
Compensatory– Puts injured party in the same position as she would have been had the injury not occurred. Payment must be one lump sum, discounted to present value, w/ inflation not taken into account. (MT- inflation is considered)
Causation – Actual causation (but for test)
Foreseeability – at the time of the act (proximate cause)
Certainty – Damages cannot be too speculative.
Past losses must be established w/ more certainty than future losses
All or Nothing Rule: Future damages require P to show “more likely to happen than not” to recover – if he can’t prove, then he gets nothing for future damages
Discuss probability of future events occurrence
Lost Profits
Historical Records helps – i.e. no new business
Medical Expenses
Non-economic damages (general damages) – Certainty rules do not apply
Pain and suffering etc (don’t require certainty.
Unavoidability/Duty to Mitigate – P must make reasonable effort to mitigate; (damages limited to those that could not reasonably have been avoided)
Nominal – Awarded when no actual injury to vindicate P’s rights.
Punitive – Awarded to punish the defendant
P must have first been awardednominal, compensatory OR restitutionary damages
On exam 1st right about above damages then discuss punitive
D’s fault must be greater than negligence – i.e. intentional act by D
Due Process Limitations – cannot be grossly excessive – D must have had fair notice of the possible magnitude
Relatively proportional to actual damages – as actual damages increase, so do punitives.
Reprehensibility of D’s conduct, disparity b/n harms suffered (single digit ratio), awards in other cases
Restitutionary Damages – Theory is to prevent Unjust Enrichment – 2 types:
LegalRestitutionary Damages
Legal Restitutionary Money Damages – Damages based upon the value of the benefit conferred to the D.
May be by the amount it benefits particular defendant
Punitive damages may be attached if underlying COA is in tort.
Cannot get both compensatory and restitutionary, P will sue on theory that provides the greatest recovery
D injures P in a car accident = Comp only
D uses P’s road to cut 10 miles from trip = nominal and rest
D steals your machine and uses it in his biz = comp and rest, BUT cannot get both comp and rest, P will sue for damages that will give greatest recovery
Comp for rental cost to replace
Rest for benefit machine conferred on the D
P could also sue for punitive for the intentional tort
No Restitution for Encroachment or Nuisance
Replevin – Action to recover possession of specific personal property.
The plaintiff has a right to possession.
There is a wrongful withholding by the defendant.
Timing – May recover before trial if
Preliminary judicial hearing and P posts a bond.
D gets the bond (for P’s wrongful possession) if P loses
D may defeat P’s bond by posting a redelivery bond(and D can keep chattel until after trial).
Sheriff recovers property.
Almost always coupled with damages for lost use OR benefit to D during time of detention.
Ejectment – Action to recover possession of real property
The plaintiff has a right to possession.
There is a wrongful withholding by the defendant.
Only available against D who has possession of prop.
Ex: adverse possessor/holdover tenant, trespasser on prop
Sheriff ejects D
Almost always coupled w/ damages (restitutionary or compensatory) for lost use OR benefit TO D during time of wrongful withholding.
Ejectment does not give rise to punitives
EquitableRestitutionary Damages: CT & EL – only used when D has wrongfully acquired title to P’s prop
Constructive Trust – Imposed on improperly acquired property to which defendant has wrongfully acquired title
Result – D serves as trustee and must return property to P
No deficiency judgment available
P must be able to trace his property to D’s property
P becomes SECURED creditor and gets the benefit of any enhanced value of the property
Equitable Liens – lien imposed on improperly acquired prop to which D has title to secure debt to P
Result – Court imposes forced sale w/ proceeds to go to P.
Deficiency judgment – If the sale does not cover the value of the thing taken.
Can be imposed on prop that D wrongfully acquired title or that was improved w/ P’s property or proceeds from P’s prop (unlike CT)
Can be enforced only up to the amount of P’s claim, enhanced value cannot be recovered
Gives P priority over other creditors
Rules for imposition of CT and EL remedies.
An inadequate legal remedy.
D insolvent, or for CT’s, the prop is unique.
Tracing allowed
If equitable lien – If traced to bank account, then balance limited to lowest account balance between time of wrongdoing and suit is all P can recover
BFP prevails over P
P will prevail over unsecured creditors to the extent of the trust or the lien. For deficiency judgment, w/ EL, you stand on same footing as other unsecured creditors.
Deciding which to use.
If the value of the property goes up – Use constructive trust.
If the value of the property goes down – Use equitable lien (to force sale) + DJ (recover loss in value)
If the property cannot be traced solely to P’s property, only an equitable lien is available.
Ex: D used P’s money to pay for ½ of a house D cannot get CT over entire house but can get EL to force sale and recover P’s money
Pure equitableremedies
Injunctive Relief – Defendant is ordered to do or refrain from doing something.
Temporary – issued pending a full trial on the merits.
Permanent – issued after a full trial on the merits.
Preliminary Injunction –
Irreparable injury –
P will suffer irreparable harmif have to await trial. (time frame context)
Balancing of hardships – irreparable injury is balanced against any hardship D will suffer if a temp injunction is granted.
Buzz Words – Preserve the status quo until the trial.
Likelihood of success on the merits – P must establish
Posting of bond – P has to post a bond (to reimburse D if injunction injures D and P not successful).
Damages are not usually limited to the amount of bond.
Adversarial procedure and notice to opposing party.
Temporary Restraining Order – Issued pending a hearing to determine whether temporary injunction should issue.
Test (same as above)
Irreparable injury
Likelihood of success on the merits.
Notice and adversarial proceeding not required
i.e. ex-parte relief is OK
Notice should be given if opportunity to do so.
Limitation – usually limited to 10 days (14 in fed crt)
Permanent Injunctive Relief
PI = I Put Five Bucks Down
Inadequate legal remedy
Property right/Protectable interest
Feasibility or Enforcement
Balancing of Hardships
D’s Defenses
Always remember $ damages are given if PI denied
5 Requirements:
Replevin – Sheriff will not/cannot recover, or D’s redelivery bond (and D will destroy personal prop out of spite)
Ejectment – Sheriff will not eject
Money damages inadequate
Too speculative
Tort only threatened.
Insolvent D
Irreparable injury (loss to unique prop/bodily injury or damage)
Multiplicity of actions (prior history of lit.)
Land – is unique
Property Right/Protectable Interest Requirements
Trad. – Must have protectable property interest
MT – Any protectable interest will suffice.
Feasibility of enforcement –
Negative Inj. – Stop doing something.
No enforcement problem
Mandatory Inj. – To do something/affirmatively perform act
Possible enforcement problem because of
Difficulty of supervision
Difficulty in ensuring compliance
Great skill, taste or judgment – denied
Series of acts over time – deniedunlessP’s harm is great
Out-of-state act req’d by D – grant if D is resident, deny if D is non-resident.
Balancing of hardships – P’s benefit v. D’s hardship.
There must be gross disparity b/n detriment and benefit, in favor of P
No balancing if D’s conduct was willful.
If no willful conduct by D and hardship substantially outweighs benefit, then no injunction. May award money damages.
Then, consider hardship to the public
Ex: loss of public jobs
Discuss: P’s interests, D’s hardships, Public hardship, decide injunction issue, if denied, then money damages.
Tip: balancing of hardships should always be discussed when tort is nuisance or trespass to land.
Encroachment: if intentional, no balancing (P will always win); if innocent (includes neg), ct will balance, but lean in favor of P seeking removal of encroach.
Nuisance: always balance.
Defenses Must be Overcome (see below)
Defenses to EquitableRemedies
Unclean Hands – The party suing must not be guilty of unfair dealing with respect to the transaction sued upon.
Address UCH defense, even if facts don’t apply to transaction
Laches – Unreasonable delay by P in initiating equitable claim which causes prejudice to D.
Clock starts when P knows of injury.
Right to relief cut off – When delay has been both unreasonable and prejudicial to defendant.
If laches applies – award P money damages.
Impossibility – Impossible for the defendant to carry out terms of injunction.
Free Speech – If defamation/privacy publication tort, best defense is freedom on speech (injunction denied based on 1st A).
Injunctive Relief Issues
Crimes – Equity will not enjoin crimes.
Recharacterize as a tort.
Exception for nuisance/public nuisance and partial exception for crime that is also a tort.
Who is bound – parties, agent/employees, and others acting in concert w/notice
Erroneous Injunctions – Injunctions must be complied with until modified or dissolved.
Contempt –
Civil – to coerce
Fines (money) to coerce
Imprisonment (D holds keys to the jailhouse door)
Criminal – to punish
Fines (money) to punish
Imprisonment – Remain in jail for set amount of time.
Constitutional safeguards apply.
No contempt for failing to comply w/ $ judgment, unless child support or alimony.
Dispossession of loan – Injunction not allowed since ejectment adequate.
Encroachment – Restitution is not allowed. Injunctions allowed.
Nuisance – consider traditional damages, permanent damages, and past damages. Restitution – Not allowed.
Personal Injury –
Special Damages – Economic losses (more certainty)
General damages – Non economic losses (no certainty required)
Look to mitigation of damages.
Fraud – Some jurisdictions use benefit of bargain, some apply out of pocket loss. Punitive damages allowed.
Has P been/being injured? Expectation Damages
Has D derived an Unjust Enrichment? Restitution
Does P want the property back? replevin, ejectment, CT, EL
Does P want the K performed? SP
Does P want the K ripped up? Rescission
Does P want the K re-written? Reformation
Legal Remedies
4 types of Ks: (1) Land Sale; (2) Personal Property; (3) Construction; (4) Personal Services
Expectation Damages – Compensatory damages.
Requirements for comp damages
Foreseeability (at time of Kformation)
Unavoidability/Duty to Mitigate
Consequential Damages – available for related damages foreseeable at the time of formation.
Can includereputation damage
Incidental Damages – hassle damages
Nominal Damages – Allowed
Punitive Damages – Not Allowed
Unless activity can be recharacterized as a tort case (if willful)
Liquidated damages – Damages specified in K. Law does not allow a penalty.
Test for validity of clause:
Damages must be difficult to ascertain at the time of formation.
Must be a reasonable forecast (if too high it’s a penalty)
Note: Can’t recover both compensatory and liquidated damages.
If Valid:only liquidated damages amount available, and no actual
But can get other remedies outside of actual damages (SP etc.)
If Invalid:only actual damages available
Dismiss clause, and analyze actual damages amount)
Restitutionary Remedies – To prevent unjust enrichment.
RestitutionaryDamages = Unjust Enrichment
Basic fact pattern: K fails after P has rendered performance b/c:
K is unenforceable
K is breached.
Unenforceablecontracts (mistake, lack of capacity, SOF, illegality)
P can get Restitutionary damages (for prop/money given or services rendered for D). Measured by the value of the benefit conferred to D.
May be more than the contract rate.
May recover property if: unique or D insolvent.
P can get Restitutionary damages (for prop/money given or services rendered for D). Measured by the value of the benefit conferred to D.
May be more than the contract rate.
May recover property if: unique or D insolvent.
Restitutionary damages –
Traditional – No recovery allowed.
Modern – Recovery allowed, but limited to K priceand must be offset to reflect D’s damages.
Cannot be greater than K rate.
Replevin – Above
Ejectment – Above
Constructive Trust – Above
Equitable Lien – Above
Equitable Remedies
Memorizer – Cha Cha Is My Favorite Dance
Contract is Valid/Certain & Definite.
Contract terms must be shown with more certainty and definiteness than for money damages.
Contract Conditions of P Must be Satisfied
P must be able to show his K conditions have been fulfilled (already performed, ready and able to perform, or excused from performing).
Land sale contracts – Deficiency fact pattern
Seller as Plaintiff:
May enforce if defect minor
Cannot enforce if defect is major, unless seller can cure b/4 closing
Buyer as Plaintiff:
May enforce if defect is major.
Cannot enforce if defect very major.
Note: If SP granted, must note that ct will lower purchase price to take defect into consideration(“ABATEMENT” in purchase price)
“Time is of the Essence” w/ forfeiture provision – fact pattern: LSC contains time is of the essence clause with forfeiture provision, there is some partial performance, the buyer makes a late payment, thus triggering the time and forfeiture clause and seller wants to keep both the land and any payment performance rendered by buyer.
Rule:Equity abhors forfeiture give buyer the land
Loss to seller is small.
Tardiness is de minimus.
Undue hardship.
If no SP, then grant restitutionary relief (MT)
If K wholly executory, time of essence K will be strictly enforced.
Inadequate Legal Remedy –
Alternative money damages must be inadequate.
D’s insolvent
If multiple suits would be necessary.
The thing bargained for is unique
Special “seller’s” rule: S of land can get SP even though all they have coming is $ (i.e. purchase price)
Personal property not uniqueunless
One of kind or very rare.
Personal significance to Buyer.
Circs. make chattel uniqueat time of litigation.
Liquidated damages clause is not adequate Can still get SP. Unless clause makes it clear that it is the sole remedy.
Mutuality of Remedy – Ct must be satisfied that it can secure P’s counterperformance under K.
Fact pattern
D claims that since I cannot enforce against P, he should not be able to get SP against me.
Court will reject mutuality agreement if it is secure that P can and will perform (this is evidenced by P (minor/incapacitated) bringing the subject suit
Ct will grant SP and arrange for simultaneous performance.
Feasibility of Performance
SP cannot enforce Personal Service K b/c:
Enforcement problems; & equivalent to involuntary servitude
Defenses –
Unclean hands
Unconscionability – time of contract formation
Equitable Conversion
Contract defenses
Statute of Frauds
Part performance doctrine – Contract must involve land or testamentary disposition and must be oral.
Rule: D will bypass SOF and get SP if:
Rendered valuable part performance
In reliance on the contract
Any 2 of 3 will work:
Payment (whole or part)
Valuable improvements (MT – valuable services).
Specific Performance Issues
Equitable Conversion (involves land sale K) – when K is entered into, buyer becomes the equitable owner and seller becomes the owner of personal property.
If K specifically enforceable – EC has occurred upon execution.
Occurs b/n K execution and closing:
If seller dies, title goes to person entitled to seller’s real prop (heir or devise), while right to price goes to person entitled to seller’s personal prop (right to payment of purchase price).
If buyer dies, his interest in land goes to person entitled to his real prop.
Risk of loss assuming EC
Maj – risk is on buyer, unless loss is due to seller’s negligence
MT – risk on seller unless at time of loss, buyer has either legal title or possession.
Right to insurance proceeds
Whoever has risk of loss should get insurance
Employment K – NOT specifically enforceable
Poses enforcement problems
Involuntary servitude
Negative covenant enforceability (cov not to compete)
2 part test
Cov must protect a legitimate interest of the person in whose favor it runs (t/4, service must be unique)
Cov must be reasonable in both its geographical and duration scope.
Damages inadequate where employee’s services are ordinary, but not where services are unique or where trade secrets/goodwill are involved.
Rescission– (Good Dog); original K considered voidable and rescinded/cancelled
Grounds for Rescission– Problem with contract formation.
Mutual Mistake
Undue influence
Lack of capacity
Failure of consideration (material breach)
Mutual Mistake –
If Material (affects basis of bargain) – Grant rescission.
If Collateral (quality, desirability, fitness of property) – Rescission denied
General Rule – Rescission denied.
Exception if non-mistaken party knows or should know of the mistake.
MT – grant rescission if party would suffer an undue hardship if there is no rescission.
Misrepresentation – P can seek rescission on showing of actual reliance on a material misrep of fact.
Innocent misrepresentation – Reasonable reliance.
Intentional Misrepresentation – Actual reliance.
Defenses –
Unclean hands.
Negligence is not a good defense
Rescission Issues
Election of remedies –
P Sues for damages first – No rescission.
P Sues for rescission first – damages allowed.
P can sue for both at the same time, but must elect preferred remedy b/4 judgment
P may accomplish on own by
Giving notice and tendering back consideration.
Plaintiff sues for restitution for anything given to defendant (under quasi-K or replevin)
Reformation – (Very Good Dog); Changes agreement to conform with the party’s original understanding.
3 requirements
Valid contract– Must have mutual assent.
Grounds for reformation.
Mutual Mistake – grant reformation
Unilateral mistake – Reformation deniedunless non-mistaken party knows of mistake (regarded as fraud/inequitable conduct)
Misrepresentation – granted for both innocent and intntl misrep
Fraud – an instrument fraudulently represented as incorporating the prior agreement
Defenses – look for defenses
Unclean hands.
Negligence of plaintiff
The Parol Evidence Rule.
Sale to BFP – reformation not allowed if would adversely affect rights of subsequent BFP.
Effect: parties bound to K, but terms are the ones parties intended.